Why I said “no” to the New York Times and “yes” to the Albany Times Union

Content sharing and discovery on the internet really works! LOL. In addition to all the amazing friendships and other connections I’ve made blogging, I’ve stumbled into some great opportunities over the last decade.

Most recently, I received inquiries from the New York Times (fun!) and the Albany Times Union, for example. I turned down the NYT request and said “yes” to the TU. Why’d I do that?

Well, the NYT inquiry was related to being *in* a story focusing on couples who’ve gone through divorce. That writer found me here at “good universe” through my Radical Divorce interview with Sage Cohen. The interest was me as the subject of the column… and in connection to a topic I’m allowing to fade into the background. In contrast, the TU inquiry was about my writing. The opportunity is to join the fun group of writers who volunteer to blog for the paper. So, I said yes. I’ll be blogging there very, very shortly, and I’ll be sure to share the link with you.

I’m still going to be here blogging, as well, and maybe it gives me a chance to sharpen the focus here some. We’ll see what develops. I’m not going to force it but let it evolve organically and see what happens.

3 responses to “Why I said “no” to the New York Times and “yes” to the Albany Times Union”

  1. Congrats! Looking forward to the T-U Blogs. Not something I would do, but glad you’re doing it.

    1. yeah, would have guessed it’s not your kinda gig. i think i’ll have fun with it, though. 🙂

  2. whatever.

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